Ketoconazole: Introduction, Prescription, Intake, Side Effects, Doses, Precautions and Interactions

What is Ketoconazole?

Ketoconazole is an antifungal drug, which is prescribed to heal specific infections initiated by fungus. It should be administered only in the cases where using other antifungal remedies is not approved. This drug can lead to severe damages to the liver, which may ultimately result in liver transplant or even death of a person. However, the medicine is not permitted to use for curing fungal infections of the fingernails or toenails. It is also not employed to treat prostate cancer or Cushing syndrome. This drug can also be utilized for purposes not mentioned in this concise clinical guide.

What are the common conditions in which Ketoconazole prescribed?

This medication is prescribed to counter particular antifungal infections.

How should I take Ketoconazole?

You may have to undergo blood tests to ascertain the presence of conditions that may not be appropriate to safely use this medication.

Adhere strictly to the guidelines of your doctor and as mentioned on the prescription label.

Your doctor may frequently alter your dose. Take the medicine as per the directions only.

You may be required to administer this drug for a duration of 6 months.

Continue to take the medicine for recommended period even though the symptoms start showing improvement.

Do not skip the doses as it might pose the risk of new infection which is resistant to this medicine.

Ketoconazole does not cure viral infection such as flu or common cold.

While using ketoconazole, you may need frequent blood tests to check your liver function.

Place the medicine at room temperature in a cool, dark, and dry area.

Avoid sharing this medicine with anyone, although they have similar symptoms as yours.

When should you not take Ketoconazole?

Use this remedy only when other antifungal drugs are not allowed to use. This medication may inflict serious impairment to the liver which can lead to lever transplant or even death.

If you observe any indicators of liver damage such as vomiting, nausea, stomachache, fever, fatigue, appetite loss, jaundice [paling of skin and eyes], or dark urine, do not delay in getting medical attention.

Apprise your medic regarding the medicines, you take at present, or those that you recently started or stopped using. This is because several drugs used at once might interact and cause side- effects.

This medicine can trigger severe cardiac conditions. If you get fast or thumping heartbeats, short breath, and sudden feeling of light- headedness urgently see your doctor.

Avoid taking this medication if you are hypersensitive to it or if you have any liver conditions.

Some drugs can initiate undesirable or fatal upshot when taken with ketoconazole.

Your clinician may alter the treatment strategy if you also take:

  • cisapride;
  • colchicine;
  • irinotecan;
  • methadone;
  • tolvaptan;
  • antipsychotic drugs: pimozide, lurasidone;
  • cholesterol drugs: lovastatin, simvastatin, and others;
  • ergot medicine: dihydroergotamine, ergotamine, ergonovine, methylergonovine;
  • heart medications: disopyramide, dofetilide, dronedarone, eplerenone, felodipine, nisoldipine, quinidine, ranolazine; or
  • a tranquillizer: alprazolam, midazolam, or triazolam.

Apprise your doctor if you have had:

  • liver ailments;
  • long QT syndrome (in you or any family member); or
  • hitches with your adrenal gland.

It is yet undiscovered if this medicine will affect the unborn infant. However, inform your doctor if you are pregnant.

Avoid breast- feeding your child while you take this treatment.

Do not attempt the drug on a child except with clinical suggestion. Avoid alcohol. Critical side effects could happen.

This medication can make a person vulnerable to easy sunburns. Thus, refrain from sunlight or tanning beds. Put on protective outfits and apply sunscreen while out- of – doors.

What are the possible side effects of Ketoconazole?

If you experience symptoms of allergic response to the medication such as hives, cough, chest pain, shallow breath, inflammation in your face or throat, skin reactions [fever, sore throat, skin pain, red or purple rashes, blisters and flakiness], then seek immediate medical attention.

Acquaint your doctor immediately if you get following symptoms: at once if you have:

  • Rapid or thumping heartbeats, flapping in your chest, short breath, and abrupt and intense vertigo
  • uncommon weakness or fatigue, nausea, vomiting; or
  • Hepatic [liver] illnesses: upper stomachache, fever, appetite loss, dark urine, clay-coloured stools, or jaundice

Common side effects may comprise:

  • nausea, stomachache, diarrhea.
  • fever and cough.
  • breast inflammation
  • unusual fatigue
  • nausea, diarrhea, stomach pain
  • breast swelling.
  • headache, dizziness; or
  • abnormal reports of liver function.

These are not all possible side effects as others may occur as well. Talk to your doctor for further information about side effects.

What to do if I miss the dose?

Since this medicine is taken when required, and thus it is improbable that you miss the dose. Skip any missed dose if it is almost time for your next dose.

Do not use two doses at a time to compensate for the missed one.

Common Drug Interaction with Ketoconazole

Some medications may affect the absorption levels of Ketoconazole. If you use any gastric alkalizer, have it at least an hour or 2 prior to taking this drug. In case you administer stomach acid reductants, e.g., Nexium, Prevacid, Prilosec, Protonix, Zantac, etc., inform your doctor.

Often it is not feasible to take certain medicines all at once. Since some of those can impact blood absorption degrees of other drugs, may intensify the side- effects, or decline medicine efficacy.

This medication may incline a person to the risks of getting serious cardiac ailments.

However, the risks may be even greater if you take other drugs for hypertension, depression, mental diseases, infections, cancer, malaria, HIV, asthma, or heart problems.

Several drugs can potentially alter the working of Ketoconazole.

Apprise your medical practitioner regarding prescription or over the counter drugs and supplements you lately started or stopped using.

Bottom Line

Ketoconazole is an anti- fungal medicine used to heal various fungal infections. This medicine should be prescribed by the medical practitioner else adverse consequences may follow.

Talk to your doctor about side- effects and consequences of this drug. In case you observe any allergic signs appearing, be prompt in getting medical assistance.

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