Felbamate: Introduction, Prescription, Intake, Side Effects, Doses, Precautions and Interactions

What is Felbamate?

Felbamate is an anti-epileptic drug, also referred as an anti- convulsant.

This medicine is used alone or in combination with other medicines to counter seizures in adults enduring epilepsy.

It is also used in tandem with other medicines in children with Lennox- Gastaut syndrome. It is a critical form of juvenile epilepsy that also leads to developmental and behaviour difficulties.

This drug can initiate serious side- effects that may be irrevocable. Felbamate should be used only for conditions that cannot be cured with a securer medication.

Dalbavancin may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide.

What are the common conditions in which Felbamate prescribed?

This drug is recommended to people experiencing epilepsy and Lennox- Gastaut syndrome.

How should I take Felbamate?

To ascertain the safety of drug administration and to determine the restrictive conditions, if any, the doctor may undertake blood tests.

Adhere closely to the instructions of your doctor or as mentioned on the prescription label of the medicine. Your doctor may sometimes alter your dose. Take the medicine precisely as per the directions.

If you replaced felbamate from some other seizure medicine, precisely follow the directions of your doctor regarding measure and timings of doses. Avoid medication blunders by taking only the form and strength prescribed by your doctor.

Before gauging the doses shake the oral suspension (liquid) and to do so only use the syringe being provided, a medicine dose-measuring device.  Do not use a pantry spoon.

You will need frequent medical tests, and your next dose may be deferred depending upon the results.

Felbamate can heighten your risk of bleeding or infection. Tell your doctor if you have unusual bruising or bleeding, or recent signs of infection (fever, sore throat, frequent illness).

Store at room temperature in a cool and dry place.

In case of emergency, carry medical identification to let others know you take seizure medicines.

Do not discontinue the drug abruptly, even if the symptoms show improvement this may lead to  increased seizures. Follow your doctor’s guidelines about reducing your dose.

When you should not take Felbamate?

You shall be asked to read and sign a Patient Acknowledgement form before receiving the recommendation for this drug. You must comprehend the perils and benefits of this medicine.

Do not use felbamate if you are sensitive to it, or if you ever had :

  • liver disease; or
  • blood cell disorders.

Inform your doctor if you have ever got:

  • kidney illness;
  • depression;
  • a mood disorder; or
  • suicidal thoughts or actions.

Some people have thoughts about suicide while using this medication. Your doctor will assess your progress at regular visits. Your family or other caretakers should also be attentive to deviations in your mood or symptoms.

Do not start or stop taking seizure medication during pregnancy without your doctor’s advice. Having a seizure during pregnancy could impair both mother and baby. Apprise your doctor if you get pregnant.

If you are expectant, your name may be recorded on a pregnancy registry to trace the results of medicine on the infant.

It may be detrimental to breast-feed while taking this drug. Inquire from your doctor about any related risk factors.

Do not take this drug if you ever suffered from any blood cell ailments or liver disorder.

What are the possible side effects of Felbamate?

If you experience symptoms of allergic response to the medication such as hives, cough, shallow breath, inflammation in your face or throat, serious skin problems such as [fever, sore throat, hurting eyes, skin pain, red or purple rashes with break-outs and flakiness] seek immediate medical attention.

In case you experience recent or aggravation of existing symptoms for instance, mood or behaviour shifts, trouble sleeping, anxiety or panic attacks, or impulsiveness, irritability, disturbed, hostile, aggressive, restive, mental or physical hyperactivity, depressed, or have suicidal thoughts.

Felbamate can affect the liver and blood cells serious or may even be deadly.

Inform your doctor directly if you face:

  • easy bruising or bleeding (nose-bleeding, bleeding gums), purple or red spots beneath the skin;
  • low red blood cells count (anaemia): paleness in skin, unusual fatigue, dizziness or difficult breathing, cold hands and feet;
  • new signs of infection: Fever, sore throat, frequent illness; or
  • liver issues: appetite loss, stomach ache (upper-right side), nausea, vomiting, dark urine, jaundice.

Common side effects may comprise:

  • light- headedness, lethargy;
  • headache;
  • sleeping difficulties;
  • weight loss;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • double vision; or
  • variations in your sense of taste.

However, these all are not the only possible side- effects, as it may show in other symptoms as well. Ask your doctor for clinical guidance about its side effects.

What to do if I miss the dose?

Always try to be punctual in taking your medicine.  Although if you miss the dose for any reasons just skip it if it is almost time for your subsequent dose.

Refrain from taking two doses at a time. Replenish your medicine before it completely gets over.

Common Drug Interaction with Felbamate.

You may experience dizziness or sleepiness by taking felbamate with other medicines which can further exacerbate these symptoms that make you dizzy or drowsy can worsen this effect. Discuss with your doctor prior administrating any sleeping pill, muscle relaxant, seizure or anxiety medications, or opioid medication.

Apprise your doctor regarding the seizure drugs you use. Some medicines may drop the efficacy of this drug or may even impact their blood absorption levels.

Other medications possibly interact with the Felbamate, including prescription and over-the-counter drugs, vitamins, and herbal supplements.

It is imperative that you disclose to your doctor regarding your current medicinal course and any medicine that you started or stopped using.

Bottom Line

Felbamate is an anticonvulsant medication also used to treat other related disorders.

It must be administered specifically under the supervision of your medical professional to avoid any adverse consequences.

Stick to precautions and if you observe any side- effect visit your doctor at once.

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