Dacomitinib: Introduction, Prescription, Intake, Side Effects ,Doses, Precautions and Interactions 

What is Dacomitinib?

Dacomitinib is a prescription medicine with brand name Vizimpro.

It is used to treat non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) that has spread to other parts of the body.

It is given to a patient only if he/ she has a type of genetic marker or abnormal epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) gene.

Furthermore, it blocks the proteins formed by the EGFR gene. This helps to stop further growth of cancer cells in the body and might even kill those cells.

What are the common conditions in which Dacomitinib prescribed?

Dacomitinib is used as first treatment for the patients suffering from non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) that has spread to other parts of the body.

How should I take Dacomitinib?

If your tumour type does not match with the effects and treatment of this drug, your doctor would not advise you to use Dacomitinib.

For this, the doctor will conduct a test on you to check the compatibility of your tumour and the drug.

After you have been prescribed the medicine, you should follow the prescription carefully and thoroughly. Read the guidelines card and follow the symptoms and other mentioned instructions.

You can take this medicine with or without food.

You should take Dacomitinib with plenty of liquid.

If you feel nausea or vomit after taking the dose, do not go for another dose instantly.

Consult your doctor about what should be done and wait for your next schedule of dose.

Keep the tablets in a cool and dry place.

Keep it away from sunlight, heat, or moisture and from the reach of children under age 3.

When you should not take Dacomitinib?

You should not take Dacomitinib if you are allergic to it.

You need to have a negative pregnancy report if you want to take this medicine.

This drug might be harmful for the newborn so don’t breastfeed your child during the treatment or at least 20 days after the treatment.

Use effective birth control and avoid pregnancy during the dose at all cost. Use birth control measures at least for 20 days after the treatment.

Do not use this drug if you are pregnant.

If you ever had complaints of frequent diarrhoea or breathing problems, Dacomitinib might not be the best drug for you.

What are the possible side effects of Dacomitinib?

Dacomitinib can cause skin reaction. If you are allergic to Dacomitinib, you should not take it at all.

Use moisturizer or sunscreen before stepping outside. Skin reaction can cause infection as well.

Symptoms of an allergy may include breathing problem, hives or swelling in certain parts of the body.

Some alarming side effects which require immediate medical attention include:

  • Fever
  • Diarrhoea
  • Skin infection
  • Breathing problem
  • Rashes and redness around nails.

Some other side effects may include

  • Wight loss
  • Hair loss
  • Rashes
  • Loss of appetite
  • Mouth sore
  • Sneezes or cough

These are not the only side effects of using  Dacomitinib. If you experience anything unusual in your body, you should directly consult to your doctor.

What to do if I miss the dose?

If you happen to miss your dose, do not take it near the time of the second dose.

Skip the missed dose and carefully take your next dose on its time.

To avoid any such carelessness, take the medicine on the same time every day.

Common Drug Interaction with Dacomitinib.

You should tell your doctor about the drugs you are currently using.

Some drug to drug interaction can be harmful for your body.

If you are using an antacid or stomach acid reducer, consult your doctor on how to manage your medicines.

Bottom Line

Dacomitinib is a cancer treatment medicine prescribed to people suffering from NSCLC.

A patient should take care to use efficient birth control measures during the treatment.

Pregnancy can possess risk to the unborn child

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