Famotidine – Introduction, Prescription, Intake, Side Effects, Doses, Precautions, Interactions

What is Famotidine?

Famotidine is a prescription medicine that is used to treat symptoms of acid reflux and heartburn. It is a histamine-2 blocker. It gives relief to the patient by reducing the amount of acid in the stomach. This medicine is available under the brand name of Pepcid.

What are the common conditions in which Famotidine prescribed?

It is prescribed to a patient who are suffering from GRED, stomach ulcer, heartburn, acid reflux, or Zollinger- Ellison Syndrome. Stomach acid can damage the tissues of the esophagus. It also treats acid related damage in your stomach.

common conditions in which famotidine prescribed

It also cures the painful sore in the stomach that we know as stomach or gastric ulcer. Too much build up of acid in your stomach can cause acid reflux or heartburn. This condition is also called Zollinger- Ellison Syndrome. Famotidine is capable of relieving from such pain as well.

How should I take Famotidine?

It comes in liquid form. A patient can take it as oral or infuse it in vein as well. A person should follow the guidelines as mentioned in the prescription.

different ways of famotidine intake

Take the medicine as per prescribed by your doctor. You can take Famotidine oral with or without food.

If you are taking Famotidine injection, you will need to visit a clinic or hospital to receive the injection by an experienced healthcare provider. Famotidine can also be used as a combination therapy. It can be used to treat the disease alone or maybe used with other drugs as well.  Even if you have healed from your disease, do complete the course.

  • Do not abruptly stop using this medicine.
  • Complete the course of the medicine as prescribed by your doctor.

Furthermore, if you don’t feel any relief or feel uncomfortable using the medicine, consult your doctor. They might replace the medicine with something that  would suit you. It can take up to 4 weeks to heal some diseases such as stomach ulcer.

  • Keep the medicine unreachable of children.

points to be remembered while taking famotidines

  • Do not let the drug expose to sunlight, heat, or moisture.

how to store famotidine

  • Keep it in a dry and cool area.
  • Before you use the oral Famotidine, shake it well.
  • Measure the dose with help of measuring device provided with the medicine.
  • Do not use any kitchen utensil or any unhygienic tool.

When you should not take Famotidine?

You  should not take Famotidine if you are allergic to it. If you ever had kidney or liver disease, your doctor might advise you against using Famotidine. Tell your doctor about your medical history thoroughly.

avoid the famotidine if you have

People with asthma or stomach cancer or breathing problem should not use this medicine unless consulted by a professional doctor. Also, do not take alcohol while you are on the medication.

What are the possible side effects of Famotidine?

Watch out for the allergy symptoms of using this medicine. If you experience breathing difficulties, hives or swelling in certain parts of the body, seek medical emergency. Some common side effects of using Famotidine may include

minor side effects of famotidine

  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Constipation

However, if you experience other side effects such as

major side effects of famotidine

  • Seizure
  • Muscle pain
  • Fatigue
  • Dizziness
  • Confusion
  • Agitation
  • Fast heartbeat
  • Dark urination
  • Hallucination

Consult your doctor immediately and stop using the medicine.

What to do if I miss the dose?

If you happen to miss the dose, take it as soon as you remember. But, do not take the missed dose anytime near the second dose. It can cause poisoning.

if you miss the dose of famotidine

If you overdose yourself with Famotidine, seek for medical emergency. This can be life-threatening if not looked by professional immediately.

Common Drug Interaction with Famotidine

Drug to drug interaction can sometimes cause medicines to be less effective, slow down or ineffective. Therefore, you should be cautious about the drugs you are using together. Herbal medicines or vitamin and supplements may interact with Famotidine. Other drugs that might interact with Famotidine are:

common interactions of famotidine

  • Dasatinib
  • Tizanidine
  • Alcohol
  • Cefditoren

It is always better to let your doctor know about your current medication before they prescribe you any other medicine.

Bottom Line

Famotidine is a prescription medicine used to treat cases like heartburn or acid reflux. A patient should follow the dose of the medicine as per prescribed their concerned healthcare provider. Famotidine is also available as over the counter medicine, however, the patient should take advice on the dosage from an experienced healthcare provider.

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